LIFE AND SEA is the trade mark:
Life & Sea Mallorca S.L (hereinafter “LIFE & SEA”).
Registered in the Trade Registry of Mallorca under volume 2685, page 69, sheet PM-80283 CIF: B57997264.
CIF: B57997264
Conditions of use:
In compliance with the Law 34/2002 dated 11th July of Business Services of Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE) LIFE & SEA informs that they are the holder of the web site In accordance to the requirement of article 10 of the mentioned Law, LIFE & SEA informs the following details
The holder of this web site is LIFE & SEA, with CIF B57997264 with company address in CL SAN MIGUEL 36 1ª PALMA (BALEARIC ISLANDS) registered in the Trade Registry under volumen 2685, page 69, sheet PM-80283 and entry. The contact email of the company is:
User and Rules of responsibilities:
Surfing, Access and use of the web site of LIFE & SEA gives the condition of user, by which is accepted, through the surfing of the web page of LIFE & SEA, all the conditions of use here established without prejudice to the application of the corresponding regulation of compulsory legal fulfilment as per the case.
The web site of LIFE & SEA grants a wide diversity of information, services and details. The user accepts his responsibility of the correct use of the web page. This responsibility extends to:
Policy of data links and extensions of responsibility:
LIFE & SEA is not held responsible for the contents of the web sites that the user may Access through links established in their web site and declare that under no circumstances Will they proceed to examine or take any type of control over the contents of other links in the web. At the same time they also Will not guarantee the technical disposal, accuracy, truthfulness, validity or legality of webs outside their ownership which can be reached through the links
LIFE & SEA declares they have adopted all necessary measures to avoid any harm to the users of their web page, that may arise through surfing in their web page. Therefore LIFE & SEA will not be responsible under any circumstances of possible harm caused by surfing through Internet by the user
LIFE & SEA reserves the right to carry out any modifications they deem necessary, without prior notice, to the contents of their web site. Both in that referring to the contents of the web site as well as the conditions of use of same. These modifications may be carried out through their web page by any manner accepted in law and of compulsory fulfilment during the time they are published in the web and until they are not legally modified by later ones.
Data Protection:
As per that established in the Constitutional Law 15/1999 Personal Data Protection (LOPD), LIFE & SEA informs the users of their web page that the personal details obtained by the company, through forms located in their pages, Will be placed in a data file under the responsibility of LIFE & SEA, in order to supply, improve and fulfil the agreements established between both parties.
In accordance to that established in the Constitutional Law 15/1999 and the LSSI – CE 34/2002 (art 21) we would inform you that the details obtained in the forms Will be placed in a date file under the responsibility of LIFE & SEA in order to attend to your enquiries and send you information concerning that of your interest.
At the same time LIFE & SEA informs of the the possibility of exercising the rights of Access, rectification, cancellation and opposal in writing to the address: CL SAN MIGUEL 36 1ª 07002 PALMA MALLORCA (BALEARIC ISLANDS)
As long as the user does not communicate to the contrary to LIFE & SEA, these Will understand that your details have not be varied, and the user promises to notify LIFE & SEA any changes and that LIFE & SEA has the permission to use same in order to bind the relationship between the parties
Intellectual and industrial ownership:
LIFE & SEA by themselves or as grantee, is the holder of all the rights of intelectual and industrial ownership of their web page, as well as the elements within same (for examplwe, pictures, sound, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, combinations of colours, structure and design, selection of materials used, necessary computor programs for its operation, Access and use etc), holder of LIFE & SEA. These Will therefore be protected Works as intellectual ownership by Spanish legal ruling, to be applied both by the Spanish regulation and the European in this field, as international pacts concerning the matter and signed by Spain.
All rights reserved. As per that appearing in the articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph of the the Law of Intellectual ownership, it is totally forbidden to reproduce, distribute and public communication, including the category of disposition, of all or part of the contents of this web page for commercial aims, under any support or by any technical means, without the authorization of LIFE & SEA.
The user promises to respect the rights of the Intellectual and industrial ownership held by LIFE &SEA. They may look at the elements in the portal and even print same, copy them and keep them on the hard disk of their computor or any other medium as long as this be solely for their private and personal use. The user must refrain from removing, altering, avoiding or handling any mechanism of protection or system of security that may be installed in the pages of LIFE & SEA.
Legal actions, applicable regulations and jurisdiction:
LIFE & SEA also reserves the right to present civil or court actions that they consider necessary for the improper use use of their web site and its contents, or for the non compliance to the present conditions.
The relationship between the user and the lender Will be governed by the regulation in force and that applicable in the Spanish territory. For any misunderstandings the parties Will submit themselves to arbitration or meet before the court fulfiling the rules concerning the corresponding jurisdiction and competence. LIFE & SEA company address is in the BALEARIC ISLANDS – Palma de Malorca, Spain.